Heavy-Duty Gas Struts

by | May 28, 2020

What Is the Difference Between Heavy-Duty Gas Struts and Springs?

As a trusted supplier of heavy-duty gas springs to the motor, agricultural, manufacturing, outdoor & camping, and transport industries in South Africa, we find that people often use the terms struts and springs interchangeably.

If you search for springs and use the phrase “heavy-duty gas struts” the sales consultant might understand what you mean. However, if you specifically want springs and end up only finding struts because of incorrect term usage, then it can be frustrating. To help you understand our product offering, let’s take a closer look at the difference between these terms.

Purpose and Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Struts

Struts are components of suspension systems, such as the ones found in vehicles. The suspension system has the function of connecting the wheels to the other components of the vehicle. It serves to absorb shock and thus provide the vehicle with more stability and better control.

The strut plays a significant role in the process. It includes a spring and the shock-absorbing system. The spring takes the form of a coil in a spiral shape and acts to support the vehicle weight while absorbing major shocks. The shock-absorbing part acts to dampen the after-shock effects and thus the vibrations caused by the original shock. If a vehicle goes over a large bump, it causes an initial shock, and this is where the spring part comes in. After the bump, the shock absorber prevents the vehicle from bouncing excessively. The strut system can be used in many applications where such shocks are experienced.

Purpose and Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Gas Springs

Gas springs are used in various applications for improved control. The springs are installed on lids, bonnet hoods, doors, and many types of covers, and have the following functions: They:

  • keep the lid, door, or cover in the locked or closed position;
  • keep the lid, door, or cover in the opened position;
  • help to create a smooth opening or closing action;
  • help to ease the effort of lifting or lowering a platform and keeping the platform in place; and
  • ease the opening and closing process.

Nitrogen is used to pressurise the springs while the springs also contain lubricating oil in the cylinder systems for smooth movement.

The units are thus hydro-pneumatic, meaning the springs contain liquid and gas. In essence, the springs are used as lifting and moving mechanisms for lifting, lowering, and side-sliding of objects. Such springs are found in office chairs, vehicle bonnet hatches, lift trucks, doors, and more. The gas and oil in the cylinder thus act to oppose or support the exertion of external force. With this support from the compressed gas, the release or storage of the energy is more controlled, providing for cushioning and thus smooth movement.

Therefore, if you want heavy-duty springs for the applications mentioned instead of shock-absorbing struts, you will appreciate our extensive range of products in this regard. View our range of products and get in touch to discuss your particular equipment needs.
