Gas Spring Lift Assist

by | Sep 25, 2020

Gas Spring Lift Assist Technology for Smooth Door and Latch Operation

Gas spring lift assist technology facilitates the opening and closing of boot and bonnet lids. The struts reduce the strain it takes to open or close doors and lids. However, this technology is also widely used for easy adjustment of hospital beds and office chairs. Gas springs also assist in the lifting of heavy latches such as the cargo doors of buses and the roof latches of food campers. However, the gas springs can lose their effectiveness because of leaks, loose components, and general wear and tear.

Failures are often the result of pressure loss. In such instances, the units cannot effectively assist in the lifting of a heavy weight. Replacement of the worn struts is then required to minimise the risk of personal injury, as well as to ensure ongoing use of the latch, canopy, door, or equipment.

Struts are high-pressure devices that are filled with nitrogen. The nitrogen is a relatively inert gas and thus safe. To ensure optimal convenience, functionality and safety, it is imperative to have worn gas spring lift assist equipment replaced professionally.

How To Identify Worn or Failing Gas Springs

If you struggle to lift the bonnet hood or the boot’s lid, it can be indicative of a leak in the struts. If the latch can’t stay in the open position in the absence of a strong wind, then it is also time to replace struts. If you need to assist the boot latch or bed or chair lift more than the struts assist in lifting or lowering, then it is a sure sign that the struts must be replaced. If you press the chair lever to bring it back to the required height, but it stays stuck at the current level, then the struts must be replaced.

Where To Find a Supplier and Installer in Gauteng?

Make use of our professional mobile service. We do replacements throughout Gauteng. Our clients range from individuals to fleet owners, vehicle workshops, and dealerships. We install premium-quality struts and provide customisation options. The products come with a two-year guarantee, and our prices are exceptionally competitive.

We have fitted and replaced worn struts and shocks on caravans, bakkies, trailers, buses, doors, and passenger vehicles. Indeed, we have fitted struts on almost every vehicle brand in South Africa.

In Conclusion

Don’t compromise on the smooth action of opening and closing. Also, avoid the risk of damage or injury by replacing gas springs when needed for maximum convenience. Get in touch for a quote and on-site installation anywhere in Gauteng.
